
The Courageous Woman

Posted on 7 Mar 16:43



T h e   C o u r a g e o u s    w o m a n

Equality between the sexes has come a long way, but of course a marathon remains to reach worldwide satisfaction in genuine equal status. From the relentless beginnings, namely the suffragette movement faced by Emmeline Pankhurst in the early 1900’s, to the more recent #metoo movement, change is remaining a slightly stubborn beast. 

At Diana Porter Jewellery, the team relish in their intelligence, craftwork and creativity, to form the successful business it is today. Diana created a collection of Sibyl's, the design is a stylised woman, each one etched with an affirming word close to Diana’s heart. They hang from chains or from special ear wires.

I wanted to use one of the affirming words to explore the women around us, and to celebrate the strength of a woman. 

For International Women’s day, we wanted to put the limelight on the courageous woman. Here are snapshot interviews from some incredible female forces, exploring all things courageous. From relentless Mothers to the unwavering women of Wall Street …

Chloe, A Squash Coach, worldwide - 

What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?

A few years ago I read the book ‘A different kind of daughter’ by Maria Toorpakai Wazir, a former professional squash player. Maria tells the story of her life growing up in Pakistan, living her life disguised as a boy, defying the Taliban, in order to pursue her love for sport.

Last year I was lucky enough to meet Maria. She is now a renowned gender equality advocate and serves on the IOC Women In Sport Commission, aiming to promote equal opportunities for girls and women in sport. She travels around the world campaigning for something she is so passionate about, even though at one stage it endangered her life.

What is the most courageous thing you have done?

In 2016 I decided to take a break from my job to travel. At the time I was working at a private members squash club, which is notably one of the best squash clubs in the country. I had been working there for a couple of years, the people were great, the coaching was easy, and the facilities were incredible. It was comfortable, it wasn’t challenging. I decided to embark on a 6-month solo trip and to challenge myself in a different environment. After my trip away, it was without hesitation that I decided to quit my comfortable job and embrace the next challenge. I’ve been at my new job for over a year now and have had some incredible opportunities and experiences that I would never have got from staying still.

 Does anything help you feel courageous?

You can gain courage from being your own inspiration. I want to make my life as full as possible, which often comes down to being brave enough to say ‘yes’.


"You can gain courage from being your own inspiration. I want to make my life as full as possible, which often comes down to being brave enough to say ‘yes’.


- Delen, A trainee Solicitor -

 What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?


What is the most courageous thing you have done?

Climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro, that or learning to love someone.

What does ‘courageous’ mean to you, as a woman?

Courageous to me as a person (I don't think courage is gender specific), means someone who stands up for what they believe in; the courageous ones don't just take the easy option.

"I believe we are facing an equality movement. I am grateful for the women before me who have fought and battled their way into the legal world. I heard a statistic the other day that circa 65% making it through to qualification are women. The business environment is changing from a male structured mechanism to a unified business platform."


Who is the most courageous woman in your life, and why?

My mumma. She raised three girls independent whilst maintaining a full-time job. She will conquer any challenge to do what she thinks is right.

 - Lily, A traffic engineer -


 What’s it like as a woman in this industry/field?

There is a lot of TALK about encouraging women and empowering female leadership, but in practice, it is not always achieved. In our company, the most senior roles are still held by men, with the excuse that “not that many women studied engineering 40 years ago”, I believe that with more generous policies/encouragement for MEN to take paternity leave this bias could shift and not be an obstacle for women growing in their careers.

 What does ‘courageous’ mean to you, as a woman?

‘As a woman’, I have no clue. AS A HUMAN, I believe courageous means standing up for what you believe in.

"My best friend, who called off her wedding three days before it was meant to happen. She is million times happier now and she dared to listen to her own heart and choose her own choices."

 Why do you love being a woman (in your position)?

I value my “softer” sides which means that I care about the people that will be the end user of the projects we deliver, and I care about environment and social justice. It is crazy that this should be seen as “female” traits, where it should be “normal decent human” traits, but I do believe these values go amiss sometimes when they are theoreticized into numbers in engineering projects (benefits to society measured as BCR etc)

- Sarah, A Risk Consultant in the Finance Industry -

 Why do you love being a woman (in your position)?

Every woman in this Industry and all other male dominated Industries working hard, prove that there is absolutely no difference between genders and we women are just as capable of doing a great job.

What would you like to see change for women now, or for the younger generations’ future?

I’ll be teaching my girls (if I have them!) that they can do anything that they set their minds to, and I hope that Society will have progressed to ensure that I’m not proved wrong.

 - Charlene, A drainage engineer -

What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

What does ‘courageous’ mean to you, as a woman?

Not accepting any discrimination or inferiority.

Does anything make you feel more courageous?

My hobbies. Climbing is a never-ending journey of pushing your limits because every new route to climb is hard and scary. Taekwondo just pushes me to be more accepting of myself and made me grow to be more confident.

  - Larissa, A Procurement Director for a London based construction company -

Who is the most courageous woman in your life, and why?

My mother. She has suffered so much yet loves so strongly.

What would you like to see change for women now, or for the younger generation’s future?

To have a career does not mean sacrificing chances to have a child. To want children and a husband does not mean you are failing feminism.

What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?


 - Harri Alice, An Associate Director at an investment bank, New York City -

 What’s it like as a woman in this industry/field? 

It’s a man’s world. Things are changing, more so the European investment bank vs American which is less diverse... I see more senior women at the European bank. Due to the fact that I am female I am often labelled as aggressive - I often feel like if I was a guy and acted the same way as I do now, I would just be viewed as passionate and good at my job! 

"I would also like girls to start being on each other’s side. Women are often not rooting for each other. I think as a whole we need to be kinder to each other."


What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say? 

I think admitting one’s faults can be one of the most courageous things for anyone to do.

Who is the most courageous woman in your life, and why? 

My best friend taking on the battle of facing issues with anxiety. Owning up to one’s own vices and trying to do something about it. 

 - Leah, A student commercial airline pilot -

 What’s it like as a woman in this industry/field?

It is absolutely no secret that aviation is heavily male dominated, with only a 4.8% worldwide average of female pilots and only a handful of women in high level aviation management positions. The aviation industry are slowly waking up to the idea of equality.

What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?

It’s very simple and a quiet courage and it’s not necessarily something said. It’s the ‘right, let’s go’ that are uttered under someone’s breath.

What is the most courageous thing you have done?

Untangling myself from an intricately and maliciously designed web of lies, dangerous love, convenience and false hope.

What does ‘courageous’ mean to you, as a woman?

Always, always carrying on.

Why do you love being a woman (in your position)?

I am a part of this growing revolution of women who are getting elbows deep in a world that has been forever in the grasps of men. I am an ambassador for young women and what could be more important than that?

 - Kate, A Mother and Wife -

What is the most courageous thing you have heard someone say?

“I can do this.”

What does ‘courageous’ mean to you, as a woman?

 Being a courageous woman is being strong enough to deal with a situation that requires a person to step out of their comfort zone and to prove an ability, belief or judgement contrary to any prejudice or presumption. Courageous is to be brave, selfless, and strong.

Who is the most courageous woman in your life, and why?

My Nan because she had no washing machine, a grumpy husband, poor healthcare yet she always cared, loved and laughed.

 "It’s great fun to use makeup and colour and fashion clothing, but please stop stressing about it. Get some balance, your eyebrows will all fall out anyway. And if you have a passion for something, then go for it. There’s only one person to listen to and that’s the one inside yourselves - don’t let them down."

- Beth, An Officer in the British Army - 

 What is the most courageous thing you have done?

I deployed to Afghanistan as a junior officer. It was a daunting experience, but very rewarding. I felt very privileged to be given such a rewarding opportunity.

 Who is the most courageous woman in your life, and why?

I have met some amazing women in my life. My Grandmother and my sister in law are two women who I have seen such incredible courage from. Ultimately their own strength and determination has made life better for others and I think that is truly inspiring.

"I feel I offer a different perspective to what is sometimes a male dominated environment but being respected for the value I add. I also enjoy demonstrating to other women that it is entirely possible to do both."

Why do you love being a woman (in your position)?

I love being a female Army Officer and a mother. I enjoy being able to have a challenging career and being able to enjoy family life. I feel I offer a different perspective to what is sometimes a male dominated environment but being respected for the value I add. I also enjoy demonstrating to other women that it is entirely possible to do both.

 This written project, inspired by Diana Porter’s collection of affirmations etched onto jewellery, was always close to the heart with regards to celebrating women. The interview process saw an unexpected number of applicants. Thousands of words - passionate and hitting - had to be edited into snapshot visions depicting both the struggle and sheer success of the women around us.